Thursday, July 1, 2010

And We're Off!

The marathon to build Relationships Matter Now, LLC has begun.

In case you missed it - yesterday was the debut of the identity for our movement. Clearly you see it on this page but if you have not stopped and gone to my dear partner's page at to see the blog post about us - please do so now at this link.

The really interesting thing to me about this logo is the fact that the three colors they used happen to permeate my closet - and NO LIE, I did not give any color directions (except no pastels). These guys picked up my vibe and the urgency of my movement and brought it to life in this logo. That is not a coincidence The pure surge in energy from this logo carried me through a challenging day yesterday because it painted the picture of what is coming. As long as I don't give up.

The roller coaster of entrepreneurship has begun. I anticipate the curves, the exhilarating highs and deep dips.
Heck - I've already experienced it to some degree and I KNOW I have not seen anything yet. The key is going to be moving through those phases and waves never losing sight of the long term vision  - to revolutionize relationships on planet Earth.

More than anything - I know we are on to something special.  I see in the response to logo and the wave a new people who learned about us in the last day - all of whom want to help. The two people working with me - one my webmaster and my soon-to-be virtual assistant (who, not by chance but by divine arrangement has a background in corporate wellness - BOOYAH) are as passionate about this as me. Now. Without yet making a penny.

It's on.

Join us on this journey.

Help us get the word out.

Send me messages (anonymously) about toxic environments for relationships that we can clean up.

Refer to me relationship experts you know and trust.

Dialogue with us on our Facebook page here.

Stay tuned.

We are about to change the world.

One relationship at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Denise - Many congratulations on the launch of your business. I love your business name and new logo (isn't that great that they picked up on your energy).

    Pam Slim sent me a great link to a podcast on handling conversations with your family/spouse on starting a business/being an entrepreneur and I have to say it was incredibly useful. DEFINITELY one area of relationships that can be tricky to navigate. Maybe you'll enjoy too.

